- Author & Early Registration: April 22, 2022
- Submission of Final(Camera-ready) Papers and signed Copyright form : April 15, 2022
* Please register first to submit your camera-ready and copyright form.
Camera-Ready versions and signed copyright forms of accepted papers must be submitted for inclusion in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®.
Please read the reviews on your paper in the decision letter; revise it and prepare the final version according to the reviewers’ comments.
1. Include Author Names, Affiliations, and Acknowledgements if any.
2. Use the templates to meet formatting requirements.
3. A complete four-page manuscript in a double-column format.
4. Fonts: Embed All fonts in your PDF file. No Type 3 fonts are allowed, but any characters for Asian fonts such as Batang or Gullim are NOT allowed.
5. File Format: both Adobe PDF(.pdf) and Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)
6. DO NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
7. Check the IEEE Xplore compatibility of your final paper at the IEEE PDF eXpress site before submission.
If your paper is accepted for publication at this conference, you will also need to adhere to the following requirements:
1. IEEE policy requires that you submit the IEEE eCF(electronic Copyright Form) for each paper. Without the eCF submission, your paper can NOT be published on IEEE Xplore. (Please refer to “Camera-Ready Submission Guideline” below this page for the eCF submission).
2. REMINDER: At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and attend the conference to present the paper.
3. Any accepted paper will be excluded from distribution after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore®) if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.
1. Template of Camera-ready paper (Same as the template for full paper)
MS word Template Download
2. A complete a four-page manuscript in a double column format according to the Template must be submitted.
(More than a four-page manuscript will not be published.)
3. Using PDF eXpress to create the IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF files.
The new IEEE Xplore® Requirements for PDF will be enforced as of 2005. All conference articles submitted to IEEE sponsored conferences must be in IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF format. IEEE offers PDF eXpress as a free service to IEEE conference authors, allowing you to make Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs you have created yourself for Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).
- It provides a means for you to convert your files to PDF, without requiring you to have access to a conversion program.
- This conversion is provided in an IEEE Xplore compatible format, without you having to worry about conversion settings.
- The system emails the converted file back to you, so you can make sure that your contribution is IEEE Xplore compatible and that no unintended corruption occurred.
- It ensures that your paper views and prints as well as possible in IEEE Xplore.
- By minimizing the risk of post-processing problems, it reduces the amount of time it will take for your paper to appear on IEEE Xplore.
- It greatly simplifies the task of conforming to IEEE submission requirements.
(2) Proofread and check the layout of the manuscript. (It is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to PDF eXpress.)
(3) Create PDF eXpress account
(4) Upload source file(s) for conversion; and/OR PDF(s) for checking
(5) Use PDF eXpress to attain Xplore-compatible PDFs. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints.
(6) (IMPORTANT) After finishing with the PDF eXpress website, submit your camera-ready paper (both of PDF and .doc file) and copyright form on the CMT site.
*More information: Click Here

(1) Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site
(2) Please create an account for first-time users.
- Select ”Create account” link
- Enter the following:
- Conference ID: 54282X
- Your Email Address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted. An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
(3) Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
(4) Contacting PDF eXpress Support Access the Publications Support Center for IEEE PDF eXpress.
Please log in to the AICAS2022 submission site at Microsoft CMT to electronically upload the IEEE copyright form.
(1) From the author console, click on the ‘Submit the IEEE Copyright Form’ link.
(2) Clicking on the word marked ‘here’ will take you to the IEEE Copyright website.
(3) Proceed from STEP 1 to STEP 5.
(4) Write your name at STEP 4.
(5) Generate the PDF file at STEP 5.
(6) When the signed PDF file is ready, you may either drag and drop the file into the dotted region or click ‘Upload from Computer’ to upload the file. Then, click ‘Save’.
(Please upload the word(.doc or .docx) and Adobe PDF(.pdf) file together.)
Authors of accepted papers are suggested to submit slides for conference presentation preparation before May 16, 2022. For more information, please go to ‘Presentation Guidelines’ Page on AICAS 2022 website.